Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9: Bicycling without a bike

So the issues of today were bicycling...I just didn't go for a ride.  I did pick up my bike from the shop...the brakes work very well!  I pumped up the tires...not being used much had them down far too low.  But, yay, I get to go for a ride tomorrow!

I also had a meeting with ACTC regarding the ride schedule in the newsletter.  I think the meeting went well, and the new method of inserting the rides should work out fine.

And I caught up on some more tv...I finally watched CASANOVA (the 2005 BBC version).  Very well done, quite light-hearted yet wrenching in places.  Thoroughly enjoyable!  And I watched the first three episodes of SLINGS AND ARROWS.  Great show, and I'm looking forward to getting disk 2 from Netflix next week.  :)

In terms of my emotions today...I started off grumpy and a bit depressed.  But as the day wore on, I finally found my groove and even somewhat enjoyed the rain-through-sunlight near dusk.

Acting - monologue
Bicycling - picked up bike, and satisfactory meeting regarding bike club newsletter
Cats - tried to get into the hard food bag...actually had it completely unraveled.  Thankfully I had room, finally, in the hard food container, so I've dumped the rest there.
Dance - in the car

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