Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3: Sad Happy Sad

I started out this morning still sorta sad.  Watching THE ROAD last night was fantastic.  An amazing film, well done, well acted, and with a teensy weensy bit of hope at the end.  But it was mostly depressing after a gray depressing day. 

So this afternoon I went for a short bike ride since I didn't want to use my bike's chain too much 'til I get it switched out tomorrow and needed to get back in the saddle again after a couple months of not getting out on the bicycle.  It was sunny and refreshing and really brightened my day. 

So I was able to tackle DOCTOR WHO: THE END OF TIME (part 2).  Well, I tend to cry fairly easily, especially at tv and films.  I certainly cried at the regeneration from 9 to 10.  But I think I sobbed more over the loss of David Tennant as the doctor than anything in quite awhile.  Deep wracking sobs.  Hmmm...maybe I'm just taking all this too seriously.  Really, it's just a tv show, and I can always watch previous shows on DVD.  I guess something must have just clicked with me.  So, yes, a little sad, but energized to fight this year.  Damn it all, but I want something more out of life than fudding about the house with my mother.  It would really help to be employed, again.  Somehow that motivates me in other areas of my life, as well... So, here's to 2010!

Acting - Almost finished memorizing my monologue.  Getting ready for my audition tomorrow night at Santa Clara Players (for BULL IN A CHINA SHOP).
Bicycling: Rode 5.2 miles today at a nice pace.  So refreshing!
Cats: Adorable, as always.
Dancing: In my car as I listened to the radio.


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