Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21: Feels Like I'm Swimming Thru Molasses

My cold is still with me...besides the congestion, my biggest symptom is feeling like I'm swimming (well, walking, really) through molasses.  I'm certainly not on my game, and my mind feels very foggy.  I REALLY hope I'm better tomorrow!!

My mom's friend stopped by today with bar ends for my bike.  :-)  He'd remembered I'd mentioned on the last club ride I went on that I'd like to get them since sometimes my wrists get sore and bar ends would give me more hand location flexibility.  So he came by and put them on my bike.  I wasn't expecting that, and it was incredibly nice of him to do that for me.  Now if only the rains and my cold would go away so I can go for a ride!

Acting - huh?  My head is murky.
Bicycling - Cool new bar ends, don't know when I can test-drive 'em!
Cats - Shala cuddled with me today while I was sleeping my cold away (or trying to). :)

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