Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15: Welcome to Friday

Up too late for a bike ride this morning...I have to change my sleep times to be able to get up earlier better.  And it's supposed to rain for the next week, so I'm bummed I may miss more cycling.

I finished putting STARTING OVER onto iMovie, editing it to just my appearance, and posting it on Facebook.  So now I need to start pulling out all my old VHS tapes to record onto DVD!

I ran some errands (post office, groceries).

I worked a little on the ACTC newsletter.

I worked on the part of Gertrude that I have the callback for tomorrow.

And I watched the rest of season 1 of SLINGS & ARROWS and part 1 of CASSANOVA (for the second time). 

Now I'm going to write some more of my screenplay.  And then watch an episode of Season 2 Doctor Who.

Acting - worked on Gertrude
Bicycling - didn't make it out today
Cats - behaving themselves for the moment!

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