Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11: Much Ado about Monday

Today I helped set up dvd/tv/cable at a friends house, auditioned for a show, and got some work done.

I auditioned for ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD.  It wasn't my best audition.  I was in my head a little too much, which is always frustrating.  Hopefully it's not as bad as I think, I'll still get a callback.  But I won't plan on it!

Having a hard time looking for work right now.  I'm sure it's related to not getting that job. sigh.

Thinking of how I'm going to put my script together for my UNTITLED EXPERIMENTAL FILM.  I'm going to start writing it this week.  First I write the script, then I write the shot list, then I make my props.  We'll see how that goes!  I'm hoping to have the film finished by the end of the year...or sooner!

Acting - Auditioned for play, thought about plot points for film
Bicycling - didn't get out today, and it might be raining tomorrow :(
Cats - Adorable, but Starlight is yowling in the living room again.
Dancing - none today. sigh.

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