Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13: Screenplay Start

Well, I started my screenplay today for my film project this year.  I also saw DAYBREAKERS today, and enjoyed the movie very much.  I watched THE HURT LOCKER on dvd, and thought it was okay, but not as great as I've heard it to be.

I wallowed a bit in depression due to the lack of job situation and the lack of potential jobs online.

And it was raining today, so I didn't get to go cycling to help me get undepressed.

Acting - reviewed Gertrude in ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD for my callback on Saturday
Bicycling - None today due to rain (but I saw a beautiful rainbow earlier...and one side ended in a little puffy cloud!)
Cats - Cuddled on the other chair right now.

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