Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4: Bull Audition

So I had to get up way to early this morning to take a relative in for an endoscopic procedure and was there for several hours.  The rest of the day was spent largely on acting stuff:  getting my headshot together for my audition this evening and getting my order ready for the headshots I'll need for General Auditions at the end of the month.  I also spent too long looking up Doctor Who facts and quotes on wikipedia and other online sources.

Last night I re-read Titus Andronicus and worked on my Shakespeare monologue.  I had already figured out the scansion, but went through all the important words with my Shakespearean dictionary to be positively sure of what I was saying throughout.  I discovered that "general" meant "public" in the instance of my monologue.  And I've got it sort of memorized (you know, the kind where, when I do it myself, I have it down, but then try to do it for someone else, and half the words disappear). I should have it down cold by next Monday's audition, anyway.

So, then I had the audition tonight for Santa Clara Players' BULL IN A CHINA SHOP.  There was only one part I might play: a hard-nosed reporter.  The audition was cold read only, so I didn't need to pull out my monologue for this one.  I enjoyed the audition.  I think I did well, but one of the other "Janes" looked more the part and did a pretty good reading.  I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up with it.  Callbacks are Wednesday, but I'm not holding my breath for them.  But it was a good experience.  Three of the older women who auditioned had birthdays yesterday (one turned 88, another 90), and so they brought in cookies and cake after the audition.  Bonus! :D  I just hope I'm still doing theatre at age 90!

Acting: Lots accomplished including final touches on my Shakespeare monologue and a solid audition at Santa Clara Players.
Bicycling: Didn't get my bike in the shop today. Hope to by tomorrow!
Cats: Ashke's curled up on my lap purring right now. :-)
Dancing: Not much, today, other than to the radio.


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