Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26: Rain again

Yeah, so it's raining again.  Surprise!  :)  But I got out to Performance and tried on some mountain bike shoes...now I know my size.  So then I went online and ordered a very cheap pair (on sale!).  So now I'll have some comfy shoes to ride in.

Also, Brent and I had met with a friend last night about a short film of Brent's we're going to film.  So Brent and I worked out today some of the cast we'd like for the film as well as for the one-act show I'm creating.  So, busy, busy day!

Acting - Narrowed down possible casting
Bicycling - Ordered new shoes
Cats - Purred a lot today!  They were very happy when I filled their empty water bowl (oops).  I'm glad they're quick to forgive.  :)

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