Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 10: Should be 11

So I totally forgot to blog yesterday.  I think I'll blog twice right now to try to make up for it.  :-)

So, yesterday I went for my bike ride.  16.5 miles and up one hill (Bernal).  Not as good as I've done in the past, but better than I expected!  Then I went out to the movies with my mom, sister, and sister-in-law.  We saw THE BLIND SIDE. It was a really good movie!  I didn't realize how recent it all was, either!  After the movie, I enjoyed some time chatting with family, then, last night, finished reading a script and watching an old Doctor Who episode.  Then slept!

Summation for actual day 10:
Acting: rehearsed monologue
Bicycling: 16.5 miles...makes a total of 21.7 miles this year.  We'll get that up in no time (if it stops raining)!
Cats: Ashke bit my throat today!  I read that male cats do that when they want to mate.  I broke it to him gently that he's just not my type...
Dancing: To the beat of my own drum.

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