Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 33: Hopeful news

So, yesterday I was depressed... just woke up feeling down, then it was compounded when I realized I forgot to mail my unemployment form on Saturday, so my check will likely be a day or two late this week.  Sigh.  But my mother and friends tried to cheer me up, and succeeded somewhat by the end of the day (helped along with the last half season of Slings & Arrows).

Then I woke up this morning in a better mood.  And this mood was further brightened when I got a call from Orchard Supply Hardware asking me to come back and interview for a different job, a better one than the one I interviewed for in December.  Apparently the wonderful people I met with back then thought this job would be a better match for me.  And I must admit I would love this job.  More of a challenge for me (but not so far that I couldn't jump in and do it), and I love challenges.  So I'll have my interviews next Thursday, the 11th.  And we shall see what the future brings.

It was rainy this morning, so I didn't get out for a ride.  I did, however, get my new monologues typed up to begin memorizing them.  :)

Bicycling - nothing today, but I did get out briefly on Sunday
Acting - typed up my monologues, started memorizing
Cats - Shala loves to curl up on my lap when I'm at the computer.

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