Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 50: Sometimes Excitement is Better Left Alone

Well, Wednesday I had my interview at OSH, and I think it went well.  I really, really need this job, especially after what happened on Thursday night.  But I'm getting ahead of myself...

By Thursday morning we had everything in place for the construction folks to fix our windows and patch some screws in the walls.  In order to keep the cats out of the way, I didn't feed them that morning, but put them in their cat carriers in my mom's room, with the door closed, intending to keep them there until my room was finished (having them start on that room first).  Well, even before they arrived, Starlight forced the zipper on his carrier and got out.  I managed to catch him again and secure the zipper so he wouldn't be able to open it.  Then, a little later, Ashke got out.  I couldn't figure out how he got out of the two inches or so of space by the zipper, but I put him back in and secured it again...Not much later, he was out again...turns out there was a huge rip in the front of it (in the netting), and he was escaping that way.  So I go my old hard-sided carrier out and put him in there.  Finally, once my room was done by 10am or so (about 3 hours for the poor hungry kitties in the carriers), I went in to let them out in my room.  Shala had gotten out...again with the zipper...sigh.  So I put all the kitties, the food, the water, and a litter box in my room.  Well, Ashke had gone to the bathroom in his carrier and was wet, so I wiped him down and tried to dry him.  I set aside the carrier to wash out.  Sigh.  Later on, a cat had thrown up, and I suspected Ashke.  Poor kitty.

So the day wore on and all the windows and rooms were finally completed and the construction folks left.  I let the cats out of my room for their normal free reign in the house.  Ashke was listless, just moping on the floor...occasionally moving to a new space.  And yowling big time.  I couldn't figure it out.  I thought if he was the same in the morning, I'd have to take him to the vet.  Well, a few hours later, he seemed worse.  He also felt cold.  Then he stood up and started walking around 8pm, and he was stumbling...looking as if he was drunk.  That did it.  I went to the computer and found an emergency animal hospital near Oakridge mall.  Even though my mom and I were exhausted from dealing with the furniture and the blinds, we hopped in the car, and my mom drove me to the hospital.  It turns out Ashke's bladder was blocked, and he wouldn't have lived until morning.  They had to immediately put in a catheter and did a myriad of blood tests and had to hydrate him constantly with fluids.  It turns out this is likely the most painful experience a male cat can go through...and the most common culprit is cheap cat foods.  Being unemployed with a few cats, I did feed my cats Friskies and Cat Chow.  I guess that's some bad stuff for neutered male cats.  Sigh.

So, there I am freaking out because the cost is $650 just for them to start doing something.  My mom lets me use the joint card she gave me for emergencies...then they examine him and I get the estimate for the the end it was about $1100.00 for the overnight visit...then I had to transfer him to the regular vet at 7am this morning...and pick him up to take him back to the emergency vet tonight at 6pm.  About $260 at the regular vet, and a quote of between $555 and another $1100 for Ashke to stay either 'til tomorrow night or, worst case, Sunday morning.  Let's hope it's the $555.  My mother said she didn't think I could afford to fix my cat.  But my ex-husband, who I finally got on the phone, said he'd give up his entire savings of $1700 if I needed it to save my cat.  Even though it meant he might not be able to move out when he'd planned.  Until he'd said that, I'd seriously considered putting my cat to sleep because of the cost and my unemployment.  No one should ever be forced to make that decision, and it's disgusting to me that animals are treated this way (oh, but humans aren't).  Arrgh.  I would make monthly payments to pay off a bill, but, I guess because there are stupid people out there with animals who really don't care about them, too many people default on vet bills, so vets no longer accept monthly payments.  So, the upshot is that there's a good chance Ashke will be fine, and I'll have to pay for premium healthy cat food for all three of my cats (since I know I won't be able to keep them each to their own dishes).  So, I really, really need this job!

Shala and Starlight seem to be missing Ashke.  They've been wanting more cuddle time today.  I miss Ashke at home, too.  :(

In the midst of all this, I'm supposed to give a presentation on nutrition tomorrow at the ACTC bicycling Academy...and I've hardly prepared...I think this is gonna be a mess.  Sigh.

Well, I'm heading off for now.  I need some sleep if I have to get up at 6am to prepare for the Academy in the morning.

Acting - nothing today...focused on cat and presentation
Bicycling - prepped presentation on nutrition
Cats - Ashke's sick.  Come home soon!

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