Monday, August 5, 2013

All about EMT

My life's been all about EMT stuff lately.  You can read more of the details on my other blog here: 

Other than that, I had a meeting this morning with my research project leader/teacher and had a chance to review some data.  But I'm seriously behind on my research, so the next few weeks I have to get my behind in gear and get 'er done!

Hoping to get some bicycle time in as well these next few weeks.  And looking forward to my sister from Las Vegas visiting later this month.

Still keeping busy! :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

End of Summer Class

Keeping so busy.  Finishing my EMT class this week, getting back on my bicycle (8 miles last Saturday...slow start!)  Still cuddling my cats.  Finishing my research project in the next two weeks, and getting ready for Fall semester in September.  I'm still going!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Been awhile...

So I've not been updating lately.  I've not been on my bike in seven months, though I'm hoping to change that in the next two weeks.

I'm looking for a place to live since my mom no longer wants to deal with my kitties (which is fine, she's got enough to deal with at this time), but so far I haven't found much.

I'm busy in my classes.  Right now I'm in an EMT class.  You can read more about that here:

And I'm just trying to keep my head up and my goals in sight.

Friday, July 27, 2012

I've been seeing many posts on Facebook and comments on news stories about the young men who died in the movie theater massacre at The Dark Knight Rises as they were protecting the women they loved.  My first thought was how wonderful that chivalry is not dead.  But then I thought a little more.  While I certainly appreciate that they were willing to sacrifice themselves for love, I also had to wonder how ingrained our roles are in society.  I didn't hear about one woman sacrificing herself for her man.  And would it be seen as heroic by the woman, or would the man be demeaned as not having protected the woman?

I like to think that men and women will one day be seen as equal, but it is clearly difficult to get past thousands of years of culture to the point where we will actually BE equal.  I can only hope that we'll get there eventually.

My heart goes out to everyone in Aurora who lost someone in this horrific tragedy.  And to those who made it our alive and will now have to deal with what they've been through.  You are all really strong, and we're all in your corner!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Job Search Frustrations

Sigh.  Well, I was up for two different eCommerce jobs, both of which I was excited about.  It turns out I was underqualified for one and overqualified for the other.  So, in the meantime, I'm still wondering if I'll be getting unemployment (they're now ten days late in responding to me and haven't yet responded to my query), my savings is running out quick, and I have no potential job in sight.

I'm disappointed in the idea of "underqualified."  If I'm willing to do the job, especially when it's a contract job for up to six months, I think this idea is silly.  Plus, since I take classes at night, I'm quite happy to have a job I can complete and leave at work while I run off to class and learn new things.

It's tough since I only have two months of eCommerce experience but years of sourcing and merchandising experience.  And I really want to do more eCommerce.

Oh well, I guess I'll continue to work on my website ( and keep looking for work.  I'll try not to get too frustrated.  And I'll hope I can find a company that's just as excited to have me working for them as I am to work for them.

Monday, June 11, 2012


I was thinking of this word the other day.  Respect.  I used to like it, but the use of it by gangbangers and others who don't truly understand it has made me not care for it anymore.  You really need to earn respect.  If a guy's pointing a gun at me, they won't have my respect.  They'll have my attention and politeness, but not respect.  I respect those who have earned my respect.  Until then, I'm polite and do take into account what I know of the person, but until I've had a chance to see them in action, I wouldn't really call what I have for them "respect."

I hope we can eventually remove that connotation of the word as it is used by gang members.  I'd like to see "respect" given the respect it deserves.  :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Internet Convenience

Just thinking today about how convenient the internet is.  Twenty years ago, I'd have to look up info in an encyclopedia or go without knowing.  Thankfully I had my then-boyfriend around for movie questions...just a quick call and I'd know the name of the director or actor I was thinking of.  But nowadays, I can just pop on the internet, and most likely I'll have an answer.  I wanted to know if I had to memorize formulas for the MCAT...pop onto Google, ask the question, and "boom" I now know that I won't really need to do that.  Yay!  Of course, it's always tougher in the car.  I don't want to use the cellphone there, so I'm constantly repeating to myself the thing I thought of and want to know the answer to so the minute I park I can pop on and look up the answer.  The pros and cons of today's communication.

In the meantime, I'm looking for work daily, but not finding too much.  Still hoping for that "perfect" job, but willing to take just about anything with benefits that lets me still go to school.  And still fighting off the depression that wants to take hold...