Friday, July 27, 2012

I've been seeing many posts on Facebook and comments on news stories about the young men who died in the movie theater massacre at The Dark Knight Rises as they were protecting the women they loved.  My first thought was how wonderful that chivalry is not dead.  But then I thought a little more.  While I certainly appreciate that they were willing to sacrifice themselves for love, I also had to wonder how ingrained our roles are in society.  I didn't hear about one woman sacrificing herself for her man.  And would it be seen as heroic by the woman, or would the man be demeaned as not having protected the woman?

I like to think that men and women will one day be seen as equal, but it is clearly difficult to get past thousands of years of culture to the point where we will actually BE equal.  I can only hope that we'll get there eventually.

My heart goes out to everyone in Aurora who lost someone in this horrific tragedy.  And to those who made it our alive and will now have to deal with what they've been through.  You are all really strong, and we're all in your corner!

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